Currently, 122 green small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are supported with capacity building to prepare to access finance. UGEFA has received over 1900 registrations for the programme and is proud to collaborate with 122 selected green enterprises from the five sectors of green manufacturing, clean energy, sustainable transport, waste management and sustainable tourism across Uganda.

The Uganda Green Enterprise Finance Accelerator is entering its third year since its launch early 2020.

Currently, 122 green small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are supported with capacity building to prepare to access finance. UGEFA has received 1945 registrations for the programme and is proud to collaborate with 122 selected green enterprises from the five sectors of green manufacturing, clean energy, sustainable transport, waste management and sustainable tourism across Uganda.

UGEFA has trained 34 business development service providers during highly interactive and participatory Training of Trainers Workshops and currently collaborates with 17 highly experienced business advisors to deliver the UGEFA support to enterprises. Only in 2021, over 50 workshops have been held, supported by UGEFA’s unique enterprise support toolkits.

In 2021, UGEFA formed partnerships with Equity Bank, Yako Bank and Opportunity Bank. In collaboration with these banks, the programme facilitates the provision of debt finance to the green SME sector in Uganda.

2022 will be an exciting year ahead, with a variety of different UGEFA activities:

Green Enterprise Support

During UGEFA’s last Call for Applications, 133 applications were submitted. Currently, the most promising candidates are selected and will be introduced soon. For selected enterprises, a 6-months Catalyser Programme will start in April, preparing them to increase their business strategies, financial capacities, documentation and systems to be ready to access finance.

Furthermore, UGEFA will launch its fourth – and last – Call for Applications soon. Interested green SMEs with proven triple bottom line impacts and interest to grow are invited to apply for UGEFA to receive hands-on, collaborative capacity building support on key topics for financial readiness and growth.

Around 80 green enterprises will graduate from the UGEFA Programme the coming months and will be introduced to UGEFA’s partner banks to access finance.

UGEFA will also feature a variety of case studies in the course of the year, shedding light on growth, finance and impact pathways of green SMEs and other actors.

Collaboration with the Financial Sector

UGEFA is looking forward to continue its collaboration with Equity Bank, Yako Bank and Opportunity Bank.

In addition, UGEFA’s Green Finance Academy enables financiers to safeguard and maximise benefits for the people, planet and profits. It supports selected representatives of the Ugandan banking sector to explore the topic of green finance and to deliver tailored financing for green investments. Due to the high demand, a Green Finance Training will be offered to selected institutions in February. A Green Finance Innovation Lab in March will provide a platform for co-creation and partnerships across sectors to channel capital from global commitments to bankable projects contributing to sustainable development, climate change mitigation and adaptation in Uganda. Interested actors are invited to get in touch with the UGEFA Team at

Learn more about the UGERA Green Finance Academy here.

Building an enabling green finance and SME ecosystem

Cross- sector dialogue and collaboration is necessary to drive forward the transition to a green and inclusive economy in Uganda. UGEFA will therefore host its third Green Finance Dialogue Forum end of 2022, providing a platform for over 100 organisations, ranging from financial actors, government representatives, enterprise support organisations and green businesses to explore innovative pathways how green finance can be leveraged to contribute to Uganda’s Green Recovery and Growth.

UGEFA is funded by the European Union and implemented by adelphi and Finding XY. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the European Union for its support.

If you are interested in collaboration, please reach out to the UGEFA Team at


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