We improve access to finance for green enterprises through facilitating tailored loans and direct acceleration support.
We envision a sustainable transition to a green economy driven by SMEs that work together with financial institutions to build and scale innovative products and services, and create jobs in green sectors.
Our approach combines capacity building of post-revenue, scalable green enterprises and collaboration with financial institutions to facilitate access to tailored missing middle finance and catalyse climate finance.
in group and one-on-one formats to strengthen their finance-readiness and prepare for growth
for banks to enable financial institutions to navigate green, climate and SME finance to seize new business opportunities
tailored to the needs of green SMEs, increasing accessibility and affordability of green debt finance
To strengthen the capacities of business development service providers and enterprise support organisations to provide next-level support to green enterprises
206 green enterprises trained
142% of revenue growth
45 % of enterprises accessed funding after training
1037 green jobs created
12 commercial banks participated in Green Finance Academy Trainings
15 new green loan products and climate finance instruments innovated
8 Mio EUR of green finance facilitated
Loan approval rate of over 50%
100 loans facilitated
25 local BDS providers trained
94% would recommend the Training of Trainers to their peers
9 new tools available to support green SMEs