Assisting growth-oriented SMEs: Training of Trainers Program (ToT) registrations now open!

The UGEFA Training of Trainers enhances the capacities of Business Advisors in Uganda with tools and skills to provide top-tier business development support specifically tailored to the needs of growth-oriented green small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This training focuses on supporting green SMEs to invest in and manage their growth. 

Why is it essential to assist SMEs that have successfully obtained finance and are investing in expanding their operations / green impact?

Typically, business development support (BDS) for (green) enterprises focuses on launching products or services in the market, or accessing start-up finance. However, there is a lack of support for companies that have already accessed financing and are investing in growing and expanding both their operations and their green impacts. Often, common issues arise when a small or medium-sized (green) enterprise (SME) starts to scale, and for which they need business development support, including:

  • How to invest responsibly?
  • How to effectively manage an investment project?
  • How to prepare internally for growth, e.g. by developing a human resources strategy, adjusting leadership structures and stimulating change management?
  • How to create new – decent – jobs?
  • How to harness the potential of digitization?
  • How to scale up and communicate ecological impacts?
  • How to prepare to access the next level of funding?

Why is it worth joining this ToT?

Based on tried and tested SEED tools, UGEFA is pleased to launch its new acceleration toolkit and invites experienced business advisors, consultants, and business support organisations to participate in the Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop taking place between July 13 and 16 of this year. This new toolkit targets green, growth-oriented SMEs that have recently secured funding and are in the process of investing in growing and expanding their operations and impacts.  The upcoming ToT is an excellent opportunity for BDS providers with experience in supporting green SMEs who wish to be trained in a proven set of business tools. This training follows our state-of-the-art “toolification” method, which helps reduce complex processes down to a deceptively simple set of basic tools. BDS providers that take part in this workshop will be able to step into the shoes of a growth-oriented green SME, testing the tools, while enhancing their facilitation skills, making processes simple, accessible, and enjoyable for SMEs. Empowering green SMEs to develop tailored solutions, our unique tools not only convey business knowledge, but also strengthen entrepreneurial skills and attitudes.

Once trained, BDS providers encourage key green SMEs and their teams to not only participate in this very process, but to BE the process. Listed below are some other advantages of taking part in this training:

  • Access to hands-on tools and blueprints to help green SMEs accelerate
  • Insights into green SME expansion investments based on case studies
  • Hands-on training to enable collaborative and empowering business development sessions
  • Possibility to improve training and facilitation abilities
  • Qualification to be engaged for the implementation of the UGEFA Accelerator Program as an UGEFA Business Advisor
  • Excellent possibilities for peer learning and networking

How to register?

If it is in your interest to start this training, we encourage you to apply with two representatives of your organisation. Kindly submit a detailed resume (CV) and a short motivation letter of each representative to no later than 20th June 2021, 23:59 EAT. Click here to download the call for applications. 




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