UGEFA at Kampala Impact Day

The 2021 Kampala Impact Day on 31 March, hosted by Einstein Rising and OVO in collaboration with the Uganda Green Enterprise Finance Accelerator (UGEFA) and others, brought together over 50 SMEs from across sectors, international organisations, NGOs, and more to explore cooperation opportunities.


The 2021 Kampala Impact Day, hosted by Einstein Rising and OVO in collaboration with the Uganda Green Enterprise Finance Accelerator (UGEFA) and others, brought together over 50 SMEs from across sectors, international organisations, NGOs, and more to explore cooperation opportunities.

During the event, UGEFA co-facilitated discussions on quality business development for green SMEs and many of our UGEFA-supported SMEs hosted exhibition booths. We are happy to see the impact that green enterprises have on the economy in Uganda and how they grow.

The UGEFA-supported SMEs that took part in the event were:


 Take a look at event highlights here.

Further details on the programme for the event can be found here:


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